Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

In the United States it has always been unpopular to think of American society as divided into economic classes.
It flies in the face of the what the USA asserts it stands for, equality and equal opportunity.
It is not obvious and gets obscured because the classes are pitted against each other via race, religion and sexuality.
Thus people in the same economic classes have animosity against each other while the very rich are very much
united in how much money they are earning from the conflicts of the masses.
There is some money thrown to the middle class and the poor but the very rich are reaping unprecedented riches.

Losing our democracy

Photo by Jacob Creswick on Unsplash

Our United States used to be the shining star on the democratic hill.
Not anymore.
We are losing our allies and friends who embraced democracy and freedom because of our example.
We inspired people from around the world, giving them hope that it is possible to have the right to be free,
to pursue happiness, to be entrepreneurs and say what they want.
Not anymore.
Now we are the selfish warmongering people that we used to oppose.
We are becoming the bad guys.
Sowing hatred is never good. Neither is thinking that the simple superficial way leads to the answers to our problems.
Democracy is a system where you can make changes. It is not easy and it can be messy. But it is the best system we have.
In front of our eyes the attempt is being made to change our wonderful democracy to a theocratic dictatorship.
Electing a hatemonger is not the answer to anybody’s problem if you want more than payback for imagined slights.
Easy answers lead to demagogues and the destruction of our democracy.